Sunday, August 16, 2015

How will Donald Trump make Mexico pay for a wall?

Recently, in the last few months, one of the things making news is the fact that Donald Trump, Republican Presidential Candidate, stated that if he were elected President he would build a wall across our southern border of the United States, to secure it from passage, and entry by illegal immigrants.

But how? How are you going to do that, the media asks; the other candidates ask; and the opposing parties ask? They ask as if they do not believe that he can do it. But how naive are they?

Now I am not a politician, or even a Trump supporter, but here is how I would do it, and I am surprised the others can't think of these simple things. So lets start:

1. The facts are that there are more Americans who visit Mexico than any other country in the world. So lets start by creating an "Exit Visa, and fee, that would be required to be paid to leave the US and go to Mexico. If you don't like it.....then visit somewhere else. A lot of Americans will refuse to pay the fee and WILL go somewhere else. This will definitely hurt the Mexican economy in their tourism pocketbook. What does this accomplish? Well think of all those reports on the Mexican Rivera, Cancun, Itaxpa, etc. I see a lot of lost Mexican revenue here. Seems like a lot of pressure on the Mexican government to me would be coming from those resort areas to do something.

2. If you have ever been to a border crossing location, such as Brownsville Texas, Tijuana, Warez, etc. you'd be surprised at how many Mexican citizens cross the boarder and enter the US, legally, each and every day to come to the US to work. Those jobs they have, they should be US jobs. However, when those Mexican citizens enter the US through the border, they do so for free. So, I propose that a daily fee of five dollars be placed on each crossing into the US and back into Mexico.

3. Vehicles manufactured in Mexico and imported back into the US, shall have imposed on them a $100 "Wall" Tax fee for each vehicle. Of course we all know the manufacturers will pass it on to their consumers. But sales on those vehicles will decline, and those vehicles will have to have on their window sticker, and clearly defined, that the vehicle had the extra tax added. Therefore customers could request another vehicle, one not made in Mexico. This would also apply to each and every item made in Mexico and shipped into the US, a Wall tax would be added.

4. Presently a passport is accepted, but is not required, to enter into Mexico from the US. You can enter with a passport card. A passport card will allow you to enter Mexico, Canada, and some other places. To get this card you still apply to the passport office, but there is a price difference. It is much cheaper. There should be instituted, a special Mexico passport card should be issued, but with a much higher rate to purchase one. Again this would discourage travel to Mexico, and put internal pressure on Mexico.

5. There are corporations who have plants in Mexico, where they manufacture their wares and goods but do not import them into the US. They make these products and send them to other parts of the world. Those revenues and profits they receive for these goods go back into their general fund. The main fund repository of the main company. It is clearly stated in their corporate financial reports and stockholders annual statements. There should be an accounting tax rule change where those profits, if earned in Mexico, would be taxed by the IRS with a 10% WALL surcharge.

These are just some of my thoughts on how to get Mexico to pay for the building of a wall. I just put this together to show you it is not that hard to do what Trump says, and I know I have not thought of everything.........

We'll see what the future holds. But whoever is elected, from what ever party, is going to have to do something.

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