Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Week

Well this is the beginning of the Christmas week. The "count down" 'till the big day. The kids are out of school, while all the Santa's are checking their lists for one final time and making their last preparations before the big day.

The teachers are getting a well deserved break, and the mom's are wondering how to deal with their children being off of school for the next two weeks or so. The media is all a buzz with the last minute blitz to try to entice customers to make just one more purchase. Commercialization, commercialization, commercialization.

Have we not forgotten the real meaning of Christmas? "'Tis the season to be Jolly!" No, its the season to be thankful, to be forgiving, to be kind, and to be compassionate. It's the season of "giving" not "receiving". It can also be the season where a lot of folks will be sad, somber, and meloncoly. The holidays sometimes bring back memories that have been repressed during the year. Such as the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of a pet, or the thoughts of better and happier times.

Have you ever noticed the feeling YOU get when you see the glee on someones face after they open the gift you gave them. So if we were to be able to measure this emotion would it be greater for the "giver" or greater for the "receiver". Most people I surveyed said they get more enjoyment out of giving then receiving. So this season is you opportunity to really feel good. Give all that you can afford to give.

It's also the season of forgiveness. The past is done and you cannot move forward until you start to forgive and begin the healing process. Sometimes this is hard to do. But it is much better to forgive than to harbor all those ill feelings day after day, year after year. Remember the old saying "Forgive and Forget".

There have been many nuances on this concept, such as "Pay it Forward" etc. but all of this action and emotion benefits the giver, far more than the receiver. So take this opportunity to really feel good this season. Give till it hurts, and forgive and forget. It's only going to make you feel better.

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