Monday, November 17, 2014

Observations of the Recent Elections!

Is it just me, or do others see the humor in some of the analysis that is going on in the media with regard to the results of the recent elections, where the Republicans have, or will, now assume the majority rule in both houses of Congress?

But let's take a look at what really happened. There were many positions in both houses that were up for re-election. The President campaigned for some Democrats who were running for election, and then there were statements in the news media, the talk show circuits, and on radio, that some Democrats running for election did not want the President campaigning for them because of his low ratings in the polls. They were trying to distance themselves from the President. They felt that if it were seen that they were in favor of the President that they would somehow lose perspective votes, because a no vote for them was a vote against the President and his policies. On the other hand there were those who felt that Congress was going nowhere, could not get anything done, and were simply fed up.

So the Republicans won the election and will assume power soon in both houses of Congress come January. As of right now, we don't know what their agenda will be.We have some preliminary indications, but what ever they pass, unless it is passed with a 2/3rds majority, the President is sure to veto it if it is not in his best interests. On the other hand if the bill is a bi-partisan bill and the Democrats vote in favor of it there should be no problem in getting it passed and becoming veto proof. However.........would the President implement the new law in the same fashion that he would if it was a new law he was in favor of?

It is so fascinating that the Democrats say that they did not win because their voters chose not to vote, and if they had voted the Democrats would have won. That's exactly right, and if the entire voting population voted Democrat they would have won too, and if those who DID vote voted Democratic instead of Republican they would have one too. HOW LUDICROUS! The Democratic party is fooling itself if they think that their apathetic vote was not sending a message to them. They need stop thinking the American voter is stupid! I am not talking about the recent MIT professor who stated on three occasions that the voters are stupid, or the fact that Nancy Pelosi denied knowing him and lied to the public about it only to be caught later in the lie. What I am talking about is their arrogance in thinking that THEY know what is best for the American people. I do not believe there is one elected official in Congress that can empathize with the lower and middle class, and how the economy affects them. The salaries they earn takes them right out of that class immediately. People are simply fed up, period!

There are three branches of government. A lot of people forget that. There is the Executive Branch where the President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and when he is sworn in he takes an oath of office to uphold the United States Constitution, and the Laws of the United States. Then comes the so called "Executive Order". Which in itself is OK, as long as the order does not conflict with the current laws on the books. The President cannot make his OWN laws. He cannot choose which ones to enforce and which ones to ignore. If he does he is in violation of his oath of office and is breaking the law himself and can be charged and tried for it. This is the process of Impeachment.

According to WIKIPEDIA: "Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature that allows for formal charges against a civil officer of government for crimes committed in office. The actual trial on those charges, and subsequent removal of an official on conviction on those charges, is separate from the act of impeachment itself." (See more here: In other words look at impeachment as when a Grand Jury (Congress) indicts the offender. Just because someone is impeached (as in the case of Bill Clinton)does not mean they are tried for the crimes they President Obama, then surely President Biden would do the same. And.....are you ready for "President Biden"?

Will there be a government shut down in the next two years? The founding fathers when drafting the Constitution put in there protections so NO President would EVER have the powers of a Dictator or a Monarch. The way they did this was to give all of the purse strings to the Congress. So when this is ever exercised as it was in the past during this Presidents term, it is not a bad thing, but a good thing. Yes we all know that folks were financially hurt by the shutdown, and services were certainly cut, and the folks in the executive branch did some pretty nasty things that were not necessary, like closing the war memorials to veterans, among other things, but the Executive branch could have also sat down with Congress and iron things out as they finally had to do. If Congress has NO powers in this area, as some would like, then we might as well just throw the Constitution out the window.

The arrogance of this administrations was demonstrated from the very beginning when newly elected President Obama stated to the Republicans in the oval office "WE won the election!". It was evident then that his entire term would be nothing but a battle. Some Democrats would like to make all differences with this President about race, when race has nothing to do with it. It is a difference of policy, about where the country should be, and where it is headed. When people like to point out all of this Presidents accomplishments, these were a lot of accomplishments that would have happened, no matter who was in office. Folks like to give credit to the Clinton administration of balancing the budget and economically good years. But they forget this was all put into place by President Reagan with his Reaganomics. I remember him sitting there with charts and graphs, back then, and looking at the dates these were all going to com to fruition and it was way beyond the end of his term. The Arabs and OPEC had placed oil embargoes on the US. The Arab nations wanted a minimum price for a barrel of oil, and we had to deal with it. Today, we have plenty of oil reserves, and are not worried of another embargo, and a lot of that can be directly attributed to Presidents Bush, and the things he put into place. As consumers use more and more oil throughout the world the supplies will certainly diminish and prices will continue to rise. One of the solutions to curb this is to implement the Keystone Pipeline, which will bring raw oil to the refineries we have. This will be oil from Canada, but also oil from the fields in South Dakota. The last time a refinery was built in the US was in 2008 in Wyoming with a capacity of 3000 barrels per day. This is very small considering the one in Louisiana built in 1977, which is the last time a large capacity refinery was built, will do in excess of 200000 barrels per day. So it is in the countries best interest to get the keystone pipeline built. Just this past week both houses of Congress, passed a bill Okaying the pipeline. It is now on the way to the President. Will he sign it, or put us behind the rest of the world.............Time will only tell!

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