Wednesday, January 12, 2011

John Roll, who is he?

A lot of you who read this might wonder, "Who is John Roll anyway?" More than likely a few weeks ago a lot of you might have never heard of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords either. But all it takes is one unnecessary act from a lunatic to bring their names to the forefront, and now you will know them forever.

I am not going to take the time to discuss this tragedy in any detail, nor will I discuss the Congresswoman (Democrat), other than to say she is recovering as well as one can expect. As per her doctors statements, she has better than average odds that she will survive.

But what about John Roll, we don't hear much about him? Well, he was also a victim that tragic day, leaving this world after succuming to the gun shots that rang out near the quiet store front of a Safeway supermarket.

John was a Chief Federal Judge appointed in 1991 by then president George Bush after being nominated by Senator John McCain. "John Roll developed an interest in law by beginning his law career as a Bailiff in the Pima County Superior Court. After receiving his law degree Roll became an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Tucson. Roll became the Deputy County Attorney for Pima County, prosecuting many criminal cases. Then Roll joined the US Attorney's Office as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Arizona. While with the US Attorney's Office, Roll led the organized drug crimes task force, specializing in large drug cases. Roll was also the lead civil attorney for the Arizona US Attorney's Office. Roll was appointed as a State Appeals Court Judge in the Division Two Arizona Court of Appeals. He was named the Presiding Judge for the Division Two Court of Appeals, before becoming vice chief judge in 1991. Later in 1991, Roll was a Criminal Superior Court Judge in the Pima County before his nomination to the Federal Bench in 1991. To give back to the community, Roll also served as a clinical instructor for the University of Arizona College of Law". The preceeding was excerpted from Judgepedia.

A lot of media verbage would suggest that the perpetrator of this heinous crime was influenced by the Tea Party folks, the conservative radio, Sarah Palin, and talk shows among others. Why can't we just accept that this guy was a "NUT", and leave it at that, and stop trying to put the blame elsewhere. Evidence would suggest that the "NUT" mainly targeted the Congresswoman. Well someone ought to tell the rest of the folks who were either killed or wounded that they were only collateral damage. Did you know that:

"In 2009, Judge Roll faced death threats after presiding over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by illegal immigrants against an Arizona rancher. After Judge Roll ruled that the case would be certified, threats came from talk-radio shows which fueled controversy and spurred audiences into making threats against the judge.

After one radio talk show, Judge Roll's name logged more than 200 phone calls as some callers threatened the judge and his family. This resulted in the judge and his wife being placed under a full-time protective detail for one month. A US Attorney's investigation identified four men as the makers of the threats, but no charges were filed.

In a July 9, 2009 interview with the Arizona Republic, Judge Roll described the time under high security as "unnerving and invasive... By its nature it has to be," Roll said. Roll also said, "It (the security) was handled very professionally by the Marshals Service." Judge John Roll was a Republican.

In conclusion two public figures were gunned down, with others, that dreadful day. One of them was killed Judge John Roll (Republican) and one of them is likely to survive, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (Democrat). Both were and are good people, serving the public in what they believe in. So to the public, I suggest that we stop trying to place the blame elsewhere for this tragedy, and simply blame it on the "NUT".

The good thing that might come from this is that in Arizona, there is no Insanity Defense. You can be found "guilty, but insane". If that is the case, you go to a facility, while insane. If you are cured, you go to prison to serve out the rest of your sentence. Arizone also has a death penalty, and it still applies, here in this case. It is going to be interesting as we follow the story and see what happens. Some might think.......Where is Jack Ruby when you need him? If you think that way, your putting yourself in the same category as the "NUT". Believe in our American Justice System, it will take care of the "NUT" the American way.

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