Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Cup Guys

Well here it is, Christmas Day 2011. The hustle and bustle of all of the holiday shoppers along Chicago's "Magnificent Mile" has subsided, and as I look out the window, overlooking the Water Tower's Plaza, with all of it's lights now extinguished as the early morning sun rises, I can't help but wonder, "Where have all of the Cup Guys gone".

Who are the "Cup Guys" you might ask? Well they are the ones who are scattered throughout the downtown area, shaking their cups, hoping some passer buy will put some spare change in it. I nick named this group of individuals because of how interesting they are to watch. Oh, please don't misconstrue what I am writing herein, I am not trying to make light of someone who is down on their luck, but I am a student of human behavior and I have made some interesting observations.

There is one enterprizing fellow who does not really ask for money, he asks for cigarrettes, and/or a lighter. Once he has enough of these, he sells them to the other Cup Guys for a quarter. Four cigarretts is a buck, and a pack is five dollars. At the end of the day he might have fourty or fifty dollars in his pocket. He'll also ask for a penny so he can make up the difference he needs to get a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Usually people don't have the penny, but will give him a dime or a quarter.

There is another fellow who lays out cardboard on the sidewalk of a busy intersection, and puts up a display of pictures of his family. He seems to be in his late twenties, and he says he has two daughters, is out of work, and needs to feed them. But while waiting on the corner for a friend of mine, and idly watching him, I noticed an interesting thing. It seems that each Cup Guy has his OWN territory that is NOT invaded by other Cup Guys. This fellow with the daughters (pictures and all), all of a sudden neatly folded up everything and left a note that read......Pete, I am going to Wendy's, be back in five........There is no comment I can make about this, you'll have to judge the behavior for yourself.

On another corner was a lady in a motorized wheel chair. She had her cup in hand and was sitting in front of the Dunkin Donuts. Next to her was another motorized wheel chair. It was empty, but had a fresh dozen donuts, next to the empty cup, on the seat......I wondered, "Where did this guy go? Did he walk into the donut shop to get the coffee?

Further down the street is another lady in her sixties. She patiently sits on the curb of the church parking lot, pleasently greets each and every passer by with her cup in hand, gently giving it a shake as people approach.....but I also noticed that she received a call on her cell phone and answered it with much excitement, entering into deep conversation. Can cup donations support a cell phone bill?

And finally there is the Crown Royal Cup Guy. I call him this because as you walk buy he will pleasently greet you, wish you a great day and ask you if you want to donate to the Crown Royal the interesting thing about this guy is that there is no cup shaking activity until you start to approach. The closer you get the more he shakes. As you pass him buy the shaking subsides the further you get away. He is there daily.

Now it should be noted that the Cup Guys adhere to set schedules according to the shopping traffic. Being in a downtown touristy area, people are more populus during the week in the late afternoon and early evening, but on the week-ends, Friday and Saturday nights it seems to be a more productive time to ask people for money. And the cup guys are there rain or shine, no matter what the weather. There is no attendance problem to this job, and in some ways it is a job. I guess what I am saying here is that although it is sad that some folks have to live this way, they do work for that meager existance that they are able to scratch out.

Sometimes a family will walk by a "Cup Guy", and pass him by. The children utter something to their parents, and shortly thereafter the child will scurry back to him and place a dollar or two into his cup. As they walk away there is a smile on the childs face. As if to say it felt good helping someone else less fortunate that they.

One sad note though. While walking through an alley the other day between two high rises, I noticed a lot of groceries strewn about. There were canned goods, bags of staples like rice and beans, noodles and the such, and an empty box of cookies and chocolates. I did not know what to make of this until I realized it was a distribution from a food pantry....such a waste, when you think of the time, effort, and charity that was expended to make it available.

I wish I could say that this behavior is having some positive effect on the lives of the individuals who participate in this activity. I wish I could say that I saw some sort of productive result, bettering the life of the "Cup Guy" and his family, but sad to say I really don't.........

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Nobody: FACEBOOK........UGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

A Day in the Life of a Nobody: FACEBOOK........UGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!: Among some of the things I learned teaching business courses at two universities for the past fifteen years, is that nine out of ten custome...


Among some of the things I learned teaching business courses at two universities for the past fifteen years, is that nine out of ten customers will not complain about your product or service. If they are unhappy, they will simply go somewhere else. Another and more important thing in business is that humans are very resistant to change, and if they do not like a product or service, they also will go somewhere else.

Yes, there are many progressive people who embrace change, but they do not represent the mainstream, who only embrace change when there is a reason to do so. People are creatures of habit. They like for things to stay the same. They resist efforts that force them to exert energy to try new things, and to do things differently than the way they are use to. So with that in mind, FACEBOOK now has an obligation to listen to their users/customers.

However interesting it is that users of a service, (that is provided free of charge, and can only be obtained by subscribing to it) would think that they have any rights to voice opinions to the provider of the service. How dare they object to changes in how the page should look; what the features should be; or when it is available to them. The nerve of them!

But lets face the real facts. Users of FACEBOOK are really customers. Customers who are expected to look at and read the commercials that FACEBOOK puts in front of them, as they use the FACEBOOK social network which is provided to them free of charge. Now keep in mind that FACEBOOK charges those advertisers fees that increase or decrease according to the readership and audience numbers. Not much different than how a newspaper, or television performance generates revenue for their owners. The advertisers are making an investment that those readers or viewers will purchase their products and services.

Now with that in mind, does FACEBOOK have an obligation to its users? It would appear so. Recently FACEBOOK made a drastic change to how users use its service. It was so radical that almost all of the news media made comment on it. It made such an uproar in the user community that it forced its creator, Mark Zukerberg, to make public comments about it. However, as a FACEBOOK user, this morning I did notice some additional changes, changes that addressed some of the users concerns. Such as two additional buttons, one that says "Top Stories Since Your Last Visit" and one that says "More Recent Stories".

Now I question myself......were those buttons there yesterday and I did not notice them, or are they new additions? I simply cannot recall. I certainly did not notice them before. But does it really matter? They are now there, and provide me with some relief in my anger and resentment to the initial changes. Did the people cry out, and the provider respond? I'll never really know the answer to that question, because I simply cannot recall whether those buttons were there or not. But does it really matter? Because it is also a known business fact, that in the IT world when there are changes, resistance to change is initially displayed in the beginning of the change, and as the users get used to those changes their anger subsides, because the user has no choice but to use the new system. Pretty soon the user simply forgets about the changes and proceeds as if nothing really happened at all.

FACEBOOK is a pretty good predictor to what people will do, react to, and how their subscribers use their service. These changes did not take place overnight, but were more than likely in the planning stages for months. Soon the uproar will be gone, and the users will be plodding along as usual........myself included.....

And then it finally hit me as to the real reason for the change. A simple business up more space on the screen. The more free space, the more advertising that can be put in front of the users. The more advertisements, the more revenue for FACEBOOK......hmmmmmmmm, I thought! The rest is simple. Just you wait and see.

If you like this article and opinions expressed herein, please share it with your friends and neighbors. The more readers and followers their are, the more incentive there is to providing you with opinions, insight, commentary.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Feeling Stupid?

Ever feel stupid? Recently I did, big time! It's 2AM as I lay here in bed. Just staring up at the "pop corn" ceiling above me. Wondering just how it could have happened. How could I be so stupid? Some might think that I am being too hard on myself, but I don't think so, because I should have known better. But even I know that sometimes, the answers are right in front of you........but you just don't see them. My technical skills and training tell me to simply walk away for a while and come back to the problem later, and rethink it.

But then there are times when the answers are right there in front of you and you just don't see them. You just don't see them, that is, until you stop looking. What the heck am I talking about, you might ask?

Well, the other day I went to log on to my small note book computer, and after waiting for it to boot up, the only screen display that came into view, was a black screen, with white letters, stating there was a problem and I should start it, "in safe mode". However, when I tried to do that, it just kept reverting to the same screen, over and over. So I simply shut it off.

"I think it needs a rest", I thought. "It was plugged in for a very long time, and it must be tired."

However, when I came back later, and tried it again, the same thing happen......

"Was it over heated," I thought? Nope, the same results happened.

Now what was I going to do? I need my computer. I am tethered to cyber space and cannot live without it, or so I thought. It is the computer that keeps me in touch with the outside world. It's what lets me know what is going on in the lives of distant friends and relatives as well as the local ones. It keeps me informed as to what is happening in the world. Why, I have been in contact with friends I have not seen in over 45 years, but we're still friends, and still in touch with each others lives. It's also the device that lets others keep in contact with matter where I am. Any place, and at any time of the day or night. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??????

"I know", I thought? "I'll simply use the other one until I get this one fixed."

Now keep in mind that I have an ASUS Notebook, and an ASUS Lap Top. I'll just use the Lap Top until I can get the Notebook into the guru's who work on such guizmos. So I disconnected all of the cables from the Lap Top. Put it on my "Lap" and there I was, back in business. It was refreshing, when I logged on. Here was the cyber world, welcoming me back, and telling me how much it missed me......yuck, yuck!

When I was done, I simply put the Lap Top back on the desk, and reconnected all of the cables and turned it back on. But there seemed to be a new problem......the Lap Top screen was now black, similar to the Notebook problem.....I simply could not get a display. Holy Crap, as Peter Boyle would say.

"Did I just get infected again and my info wiped out", I thought? "I am now in a real pickle now, the internet will be looking for me. My friends will wonder what happened to me. THIS SIMPLY CANNOT HAPPEN!"

I tried over and over, but ended up with the same results. I finally gave up and the next morning, I took both of them to the "shop" for the geeks to take a look. After placing both of them on the service counter, the technician looked at the Notebook first, and sure enough, it was fried. They would need to do a more complete diagnostic testing to see if it could be fixed. So a repair ticket was written and my little Notebook was reluctantly handed over to him to fix. It was really hard letting it if it was some sort of puppy. In my mind I wondered,

"Would they take good care of it? Would they give it the care and attention that I would?"

Funny how we become attached to things. I probably should have named it. Perhaps something like "Info" or "Textie", after all some people give names their cars or boats, why not their computers too? Anyone remember ENIAC 1?

Next up, the Lap Top. The technician turned it on, and it booted up right problem.....What the heck, I thought? "OK, then I'll just take this one back with me." I told the tech. Whew, it was a relief to know it was working after all. And now for the long ride home. Me and my Lap Top, side by side. Me looking out the window, and the Lap Top beside me on the front seat, comfortably resting.

When I arrived home I put the Lap Top down on the desk, and turned it on. It booted right up with no noticeable problem. I then started to connect all of its cables. First the power cable, then the external speaker cable, then the internet cable, then the printer cable, then the HDMI cable. It was when I connected the HDMI cable that all hell broke loose. The screen display went black..... So I disconnected it, and the screen display came back on. I did this a few times, with the same results. I could duplicate these results over and over.

"What could the problem be?" I thought.

It's time to walk away and think about it. But then I remembered. Many years ago, when I was teaching at the University, I used to use a Lap Top computer connected to an overhead projector to give Power Point presentations, etc. When I connected my Lap Top to the over head projector, and if I hit the "Function" and "F8" button, the screen on the lap top would go blank, but the over head projector would receive the signal and project the display. If I did it a second time, then the Lap Top would keep the display and so would the over head projector. Could this be what was happening when I plugged in the HDMI cable? I went back to the Lap Top to give it a try, and sure enough, that was the problem. A simple pressing of the "Function" and "F8" keys at the same time, would replicate the problem. It would put the display on what ever screen I wanted it to be on, whether it be the Lap Top, the TV, or both. You see the HDMI cable is connected from the Lap Top to the TV in order to play all of those great movies I get from Netflix from time to time.

So the answer was right in front of me all of the time. I should have seen it, but didn't and that's why I was felling so stupid! I guess my only advice should something like this happen to you, is take your time, go over all of the possibilities before you jump to conclusions......... Good Luck!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Facebook vs. Sunrise

Every once in a while, I seem to come up with some profound thought or abstract view. Like this morning, the time was about 6:00AM CST, and I logged onto my Facebook account. Interestingly, as I looked at the area "Friends on Line", there were no entries. But as I continued online to other things, such as email, news reports, weather, etc., and came back to Facebook, there was one of my friend's profile photos, letting me know they were online, and ready for a chat.

I assume that the friend was doing the same thing as I, and checking all their interactions with the cyberworld that today, they cannot live without. As I thought about this more and more, friends profile photos started to increasingly reveal themselves. As is the sun was rising somewhere, where they were, and they were now starting their new day. However, there were no new postings. Just a whole lot of friends looking, wondering what went on during the night, and was there any Facebook news from them?

It was amusing to see my nephew, and his wife, were on line at the same time, and I wondered, since it was early Saturday, were they just sitting next to each other in bed, checking Facebook with their smart phones, or was one of them at work, while the other took care of the kids, or whatever. In any event, it is interesting how we have become tethered to the cyber world.

Now many years ago in the infancy of our country, way, way, back, we had a similar technology. I am going back to the seventeenth century and beyond. That technology was called the "Town Cryer", and he would do just that. He'd walk the streets yelling "Here Yea, Here Yea", and all those townfolk in earshot would gather around and listen to the latest news. Things we take for granted, such as Mrs. Jones cow got out last night and entered Mr. Dobbs field and ate some of his corn crops. Or such things as,"there will be a meeting at the town hall to discuss the raising of a new barn", or redoing the cart path, or new rules for grazing on the "Commons".

Once the printing press bacame more popular and available, the "Town Cryer" simply went around he town, and posted the notices on various boards designated for this purpose. Meanwhile, the folks could simply come up and read them. You've all seen these boards because they still exist today at the entrance to almost every supermarket. Where the neighbors let everyone know what goods they have for sale, or what services they could provide.

The difference today is that we all go to the Internet and especially as members on Facebook, we read, and wait, for that first utterence from someone else, for us to read, and start our day. So I am making a new Facebook Rule. When you log on in the morning, you must go to the comment section and say "Hello Friends, Have a Great Day!" It'll surely let everyone know, you're still out there. Think of it like when you walk out of your home, and see the next door neighbor, and say "Good Morning" or "Hello". It might sure make the world a much better place. Because in todays world, especially on Facebook, you're all "Town Cryers".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Glue That Bonds Grandparents to Grandchildren

It is early in the morning on a Wednesday, the third day of her spring break, when she comes downstairs to the living room, where I am sitting checking my emails. The time is just after seven AM, and she is not normally up this early, but today must be something special.

Having just turned seven years old, she is just in the first grade, and has never experienced what school had to offer, as far as school vacations, holidays etc. Day care centers, where she had been for the first part of her life so far, never had breaks and sessions, this was something entirely new for her. But because both parents had to work, I had the joyful opportunity to care for her during the day this week, and a major part of that responsibility was planning fun activities for both of us to do.

I distinctly remember my wife telling me of the great escapades that her and her Grandpa would go on. To her, he was the greatest Grandpa ever. He would take her places and allow her to do most anything that she wanted, as long as she was safe, and not in any danger. Sometimes those things had to be kept secret between them, so Grandma would not find out. Like the time he let her drive the car when she was twelve, and she had so much fun.

She had many fond memories of the times she spent with him, and although she is now in her early sixties, and he has long since passed away, she still keeps those memories close to her heart. It is her fondness of him, and everlasting recollections of their time together, that fosters me to cherish the things I do with my Grandaughter daily.

So here she stands facing me with anticipation of what the new day will bring. Hair combed, teeth brushed, she had everything ready but the shoes and socks. Which, of course, would be the clincher of delay. Seems that she can't seem to find a matching pair. So.....comes Grandpa to the rescue. Now you must know that my Grandaughter is not a fashion follower, but a fashion setter. She conforms to no one, and sets her own style no matter what anyone else thinks, so it was no wonder, that the white and green socks, with the snow flakes on the sides, was what she was wearing today. But Grandpa's don't argue, we just go with the flow. Saves time, energy, and keeps the happy emotions in check.

She knew she was going to Midevial Times today for the eleven o'clock show, and she could not wait to get there. She had never been there before, but she knew all about it from her friends who had told her what to expect. As we left the house and approached my truck, she reached up and grabbed my hand for the short walk. She opened the door and jumped inside and buckled herself up.

The ride took about an hour to get there, and even though we arrived at nine-thirty, there were already about a hundred people in line, and busses were now pulling into the huge parking lot. Seems that we weren't the only ones on spring break. Once inside, it was amazing how many concessions stands there were selling all kinds of Royal gear and trinkets. Surprisingly, she wanted nothing, and so we waited another hour before they let us in and sat us at our table. But as we entered the premise, we were wisked off to stand beside the King for a photograph session, as was everyone else.

The table had place settings for lunch, and a goblet for drink, along with a paper crown. We were sitting in the Black and White Knight's section. My Grandaughter is somewhat bashful, and although Grandpa wore his crown, she wanted no part of it.

As the show began, and the lighting grew dim, while the music created the illusion of suspense. I asked he if she was scared, and she replied that she was... a little. But, after seeing the horses, the Knights, the King and the Queen, she somewhat settled in and focused intensely on the show. I could tell when she was frightened though, as she would get closer to me and grab my hand, while feeling a little more secure.

During the show one of the staff came by with a beautifully framed picture of the two of us with the King. Of course I could not pass it up, and readily handed over my scarce funds. However, when the show was over, and it was time to leave, my Grandaughter made sure that she took the picture, along with her paper crown.

During the ride home, as I glanced in the rear view mirror, I could see her wearing the crown and closely studying the picture, carefully examining every aspect. I am sure she was going over, in her mind, the sights and sounds of the jousting, the battles, the winners and the losers, and the fun she had with her Grandpa today. Tonight will bring to her the dreams that will last a lifetime, and someday she too will be telling her husband and children about her Grandpa, and the things they used to do together.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Nobody: Know it Alls!

A Day in the Life of a Nobody: Know it Alls!: "The other day I entered into a 'philosophical' discussion with four other individuals. The subject that came up was UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATIO..."

Know it Alls!

The other day I entered into a "philosophical" discussion with four other individuals. The subject that came up was UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. This topic seems to surface quite frequently. Now, I can't speak for other states, but I do have some familiarity on how it works here in Illinois.

The main misconception during the debate was that unemployed persons can collect compensation for up to three years; the payments come from the federal government, and not the state; the Illinois fund is 9 billion dollars in the hole; and finally, most of the people on unemployment would rather be there on unemployment, rather than work for a living.

A lot of this misinformation being poured into these closed minded individuals of course, comes from our media, who needs to make a boring subject into something interesting in order to increase viewership and cause debate. I found it a shame that one of the individuals involved in the discussion, who is normally well resourced, but that day he didn't have his facts correct and just looked like a fool to the rest of the group.

The facts are, that as of January 17, 2011 the State of Ilinois had $89 million dollars in its fund for unemployment compensation, and it is continually being added too, by every employer, on behalf of every employee, each and every pay day. With a 9.5% unemployment rate in the state, it means that the rest of the 90.5% EMPLOYED PERSONS, their employers are still contributing to the unemployment compensation fund.

If the unemployment compensation fund cannot meet its compensation obligations, due to a short fall, then the state will borrow money from the Federal Government at zero percent interest. However, this zero percent interest rate is expected to expire soon, and an low interest rate will then be applied.

The person who goes on unemployment initially is granted 26 weeks of compensation (six months). This should be enough time to find unemployment in a plentiful job market. However, today this is not true as there aren't as many jobs out there to be had. Most of this problem has to do with what skill sets are available, versus what skill sets the job market needs, and presently there is a difficulty with being able to make that match.

When the initial 26 weeks run out, there is an extension available for an addition 13 weeks. However, this comes and goes with different legislations being enacted. The next opportunity for addtional compensation is via an additionl EMERGENCY grant of 20 more weeks.

Now what happens after that?

Well, there is an additional opportunity to qualify for another year of benefits. And that's exactly what it is, a benefit. Something the indiidual has a RIGHT to apply for, and if qualified, be granted. But in order to qualify the individual MUST have earned compensation during the previous year, while on unemployment, at least an amount equal to 3 times there weekly unemployment benefit amount. So, if a person was getting $333.00 per week while on unemployment, they would have had to earn a minimum of $999.00, while on unemployment from outside sources.

Also, each individual is allowed to earn up to half of their weekly benefit amount without reducing their benefit amount. So if a person was collecting $333.00 a week from unemployment, they could earn an additional $166.50 without a reduction in unemployment compensation. So the total weekly abount a person could earn would be $499.50, i.e. $333.00 unemployment, and $166.50 from other outside sources. Any dollar earned above that $166.50 amount would be deducted dollar for dollar from their weekly unemployment compensation.

Why do we have this benefit? Because as history shows, employers would fire people for no reason as they saw fit, whenever it suited them, without any penalties. Now according to one of the individuals in the discussion, who was a business owner with many employees he stated that the employer pays into the funds on behalf of each employee, and that amount can increase and decrease depending on how many of his employees are or have been on unemployment. In order to keep his percentage rate low, he would not lay off employees, he would just make their life so miserable, that they would simply quit, and if they applied for unemployment, he would surely fight it to ensure that his rate did not increase.

I have heard of this concept of poor management practice before, so it is not something new to me. However, individuals who fall into this category ARE NOT included in the unemployment numbers, so it would be interesting to know how many are out there, because they might now be on the Public Aid rolls instead of getting the unemployment compensation, job coaching, and job counseling plus all of the other things the unemployment office has to offer.

No one wants to be unemployed. Once your let go from you're job, you can't pay your bills, your rent or mortgage, your children's tuitions, if they are in private schools, which only cause them to be placed in the public school system which puts an additional strain on that system also, and you have trouble putting food on the table. This now puts the folks on FOOD STAMPS, straining that system. You can't pay the mortgage, then you go into default, putting a strain on that system. This causes you to move yourself into a lower social structure by moving where you CAN afford to live.

In conclusion, when dealing with this well misimformed and educated group, its very difficult to have a battle of wits, with folks who are so totally unarmed.......Hopefully this blog will suppply some education and information that we can all learn from.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Illinois Personal Income Tax Increases

Recently the Illinois State Legislature passed a new bill to increase the state personal income tax rate another 66%. The state is going broke, and the politicians need ways to fund all of their activities.

The other day I was talking to my Dad (he's 86), who lives in New Hampshire, about this and how it is going to affect the spending habits of all of the citizens of the state. It was amazing how his insight of Illinois is, and is probably no different than anyone else who does not live in this state.

I asked him if there was an Income Tax in New Hampshire......answer....NO
I asked him if there was a State Sales Tax in New Hampshire and again his answer was NO. So I asked him how the state of New Hampshire funded all of their programs and public services. His answer was that they have other taxes, like Meal Tax, Vehicle Taxes, Hotel and Lodging Taxes, a State Liquor store for hard alchohol, and some others. He followed by stating the in Illinois "we, the citizens" have to fund all of the GRAFT.

I thought about this and sat back for a minute. Is that the view that everyone who does not live in Illinois holds? Well let's think of what would give people outside of the state that opinion.

In the last 25 years most of our Governors have spent time in jail, or about to, aka Dan Walker, George Ryan, Rod Blagoyovich, and others to name a few. In a lot of out cities and towns Mayors have been found guilty of crimes and have also been charged or convicted or have also gone to jail. In my town alone, there have been a few firings of late for official misconduct in the management of the fire department, the police department, etc.

In the county where I live, the former board president Tod (toddler) Strozier was under investigation for hiring cousins, relatives, some of who were fired for misconducts or misappropriations of funds. The recently elected Cook County Assessor (Joe Berrios) is under questioning from the Inspector General's office for hiring two of his relatives into his office.

Last night on the news the Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas was under investigation by the Better Government Association for having a $97,000.00 per year personal driver, who was filmed running errands to the cleaners and fast food places for the Treasurer, on work time, and also having on her staff, a cleaning lady who cleans her home twice a week for $1400.00 per month from her personal funds, but also has a salary of about $57,000.00 from the County, to clean her offices, even though the county has cleaning custodians who also clean the very same offices.

The corruption and political entitlements in this state are rediculous and a slap in the face to all of the citizens who live here. I cannot speak for other states bacause I don't live there. But in this state there must be a class in the public schools on how to be corrupt, or how to use the system. We have one of the lousiest school performance records around, and it's not getting any better.

Unfortunately, the average, hard working family, will now have to forego some of their small luxuries and give that money to the state to support all of the corruption. A lot of this new source of funds will go to pay the State Pension Fund, so after these politicians retire, they can still continue to collect off of the backs of the residents, who will be paying for this forever. Is it just a mere coincidence that here in this state they are Democrats running the show? I am not condeming all Democrats outside of this state, just the ones here, because I think they just use the name 'Democrat" for their political club affiliation, because they surely do not ascribe to the "Democratic Principles of the Democratic Party". They have been in control of this states government for the last 25 years.

Will it ever stop! Moving back east, like New Hampshire, Maine, or Vermont, looks appealing all of the time......I wonder if there is room for me?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

John Roll, who is he?

A lot of you who read this might wonder, "Who is John Roll anyway?" More than likely a few weeks ago a lot of you might have never heard of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords either. But all it takes is one unnecessary act from a lunatic to bring their names to the forefront, and now you will know them forever.

I am not going to take the time to discuss this tragedy in any detail, nor will I discuss the Congresswoman (Democrat), other than to say she is recovering as well as one can expect. As per her doctors statements, she has better than average odds that she will survive.

But what about John Roll, we don't hear much about him? Well, he was also a victim that tragic day, leaving this world after succuming to the gun shots that rang out near the quiet store front of a Safeway supermarket.

John was a Chief Federal Judge appointed in 1991 by then president George Bush after being nominated by Senator John McCain. "John Roll developed an interest in law by beginning his law career as a Bailiff in the Pima County Superior Court. After receiving his law degree Roll became an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Tucson. Roll became the Deputy County Attorney for Pima County, prosecuting many criminal cases. Then Roll joined the US Attorney's Office as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Arizona. While with the US Attorney's Office, Roll led the organized drug crimes task force, specializing in large drug cases. Roll was also the lead civil attorney for the Arizona US Attorney's Office. Roll was appointed as a State Appeals Court Judge in the Division Two Arizona Court of Appeals. He was named the Presiding Judge for the Division Two Court of Appeals, before becoming vice chief judge in 1991. Later in 1991, Roll was a Criminal Superior Court Judge in the Pima County before his nomination to the Federal Bench in 1991. To give back to the community, Roll also served as a clinical instructor for the University of Arizona College of Law". The preceeding was excerpted from Judgepedia.

A lot of media verbage would suggest that the perpetrator of this heinous crime was influenced by the Tea Party folks, the conservative radio, Sarah Palin, and talk shows among others. Why can't we just accept that this guy was a "NUT", and leave it at that, and stop trying to put the blame elsewhere. Evidence would suggest that the "NUT" mainly targeted the Congresswoman. Well someone ought to tell the rest of the folks who were either killed or wounded that they were only collateral damage. Did you know that:

"In 2009, Judge Roll faced death threats after presiding over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by illegal immigrants against an Arizona rancher. After Judge Roll ruled that the case would be certified, threats came from talk-radio shows which fueled controversy and spurred audiences into making threats against the judge.

After one radio talk show, Judge Roll's name logged more than 200 phone calls as some callers threatened the judge and his family. This resulted in the judge and his wife being placed under a full-time protective detail for one month. A US Attorney's investigation identified four men as the makers of the threats, but no charges were filed.

In a July 9, 2009 interview with the Arizona Republic, Judge Roll described the time under high security as "unnerving and invasive... By its nature it has to be," Roll said. Roll also said, "It (the security) was handled very professionally by the Marshals Service." Judge John Roll was a Republican.

In conclusion two public figures were gunned down, with others, that dreadful day. One of them was killed Judge John Roll (Republican) and one of them is likely to survive, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (Democrat). Both were and are good people, serving the public in what they believe in. So to the public, I suggest that we stop trying to place the blame elsewhere for this tragedy, and simply blame it on the "NUT".

The good thing that might come from this is that in Arizona, there is no Insanity Defense. You can be found "guilty, but insane". If that is the case, you go to a facility, while insane. If you are cured, you go to prison to serve out the rest of your sentence. Arizone also has a death penalty, and it still applies, here in this case. It is going to be interesting as we follow the story and see what happens. Some might think.......Where is Jack Ruby when you need him? If you think that way, your putting yourself in the same category as the "NUT". Believe in our American Justice System, it will take care of the "NUT" the American way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lynn Bus Tour

The other day I was sitting and thinking about some of the cool things Lynn and the surrounding area had to offer and was wondering why someone with a new vision has not capatilized on the local history with a bus tour of the area and the events that occured surrounding it.

Some of the tour stops might be Lynn Woods and Dungeon Rock, the Wolf Pits, the Stone Tower, The Saugus Iron Works, High Rock Tower, Longfellows Wayside Inn, and there are many more for sure. There is much history, if only someone would tell it.

Would this kind of enterprise help increase the local economy? I'm sure if enough interest was generated, it surely would. Just imagine, getting into a bus, being driven to the entrance of the woods, greeted by a guide, and toured around. Just imagine driving up to high rock tower and being able to go inside, rent a pair of binoculars (if you forgot yours) and climb the stairs of Lynn's Eiffel Tower, while enjoying the picturesque view of the harbor and surrounding area. I'm sure there are many local residents who have not toured the tower or been inside. I don't believe it has been open to the public for years, but I could be wrong. Would you pay a fee to enter it? I certainly would. Could a concession stand be erected to help support it. I'd be one of their customers. Would it boost the economically depressed area. As Sara Palin would say "You betcha".

Why not open the Lynn Woods entrance to allow a tram take visitors to Dungeon Rock and the Stone tower, for a fee of course. There are some of us who are getting up in age now who would like to go there, but cannot endure the walk from the entrance. I don't think of this as a commercialization of the site anymore than the Saugus Ironworks (which is run by the National Parks Service)is today. Support it by charging a fee.

These and other things I suggest would create jobs. The activities could be run by private organizations via a concession bid, which would bring much needed revenue to the city.

Of course these tours might be seasonal. Uniformed Park Rangers (also private employee) could provide a visibility while being unarmed of course, with a direct link to the local police via radio etc. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but I am sure grant and startup funding is available for this type of venture.

One thing that I am sure of though, and this is certainly going to come up, are the folks who say, "there are rules preventing what you suggest". Well then change the rules. We do that all the time in government to suit our changing times and needs.

Can't you just imagine people who WANT to visit Lynn, and not because they are from there.......... Just read the comments and reminiscing that goes on on Face Book with the "FORMER LYNNERS" and the Lynn Museum pages. There is a lot of interest there but you need to make it happen. Hmmmmmmm.....Lynn the city on peoples list of "Places to Visit!"

Keep an eye out for my soon to be published book, "Dungeon Rock, The Real Story" coming out this summer.