Sunday, February 26, 2012

Moving Day is Finally Here!

Ever sell a house? Well tomorrow is closing day, and the home I built, mostly with my own hands, will be gone for me, forever. The only thing left will be the memories it contained. Mostly good, while some were trying, but overall the last fifteen years in this home were times that will never be forgotten. And I can fondly reflect on them, just by closing my eyes and remembering.

It's amazing how much "stuff" one can accumulate over a fifteen year period. It's also amazing how much money collects in the cracks and crevices of furniture voids. Found three bucks in change in an old chair and in the couch. Also found a remote control for a Cannon Video camera, need one? I'm sure the owner no longer has the camera or has replaced the control by now. Maybe I'll put it on Ebay, and see what happens?

And then there's all of the packing to do. So far, I have filled three storage lockers with my "stuff", but it's just a temporary place to keep them, until my new place is finished with construction. I'm sure when the time comes, I'll downsize that stuff too. Did I mention that the closing is tomorrow? Final walk through today for the new owners, hope I didn't leave the place too messy. Tried my best to vaccuum and clean, but everyone has their own standards for neatness and being tidy. Besides, I'm getting old, and it's tough to do this all by yourself. Hope I measure up. I can't believe how many mattresses and box springs I have. But....still have to go there early tomorrow, before the final closing, and remove a few more items and get rid of all of the filled garbage bags I left on the deck. Disposal of these things are cumbersome when you live in a rural setting and cancelled the garbage pickup. But it's all in bags and I do have a place in a dumpster, (friend of mines) to dispose of them.

When I stand here and look around at all the empty rooms, I can't help but wonder and think about all the guests that have stayed here over the years. From small groups to large crowds, there were many fun times had here. When I think of it, it's actually a very big house. Five bedrooms, and three baths, in fact! Way to big for me now. There was a time that this house had actually slept 18 people. I remember it well, it was for a New Years Eve party. Plenty of good food and drink, and I never had to worry about anyone driving home, 'cause they all stayed here.

There are so many things that have collected over the years. Right now I am cleaning and packing, cleaning and packing. What do I do with all of the open liquor? Didn't really know, so I offered it to my friend Tim, all of the booze from the bar, and he gladly accepted. Fifteen bottles of everything imaginable from Rums to Tequila, to Wiskeys. Don't need it anymore. I'm not much of a drinker, just had it on hand for guests.

As I look around, there are many memories and fun times that took place here. But then again, that's life. We reflect on the good times in our lives, hopefully much more so than the bad, and move on. It's those good memories that make us feel good, and undo the sadness in our lives. But now it's time to build a new chapter in this book called life, and move on by building a new future, and leaving the past behind.

I only hope the new owners will also build a great future in this house, and will be able to share many similar fond memories of their own. For me, it's time to downsize. Right now, the future looks very exciting, and I anxiously look forward to what it has bring with it. I'm kinda looking forward to going back to my roots, and I will be enjoying some of the things I haven't done in years! I'm reconnecting with old friends, making some new ones, and have a new partner to enjoy the future, and all that it has to bring with it. Soon, I'll only have one more move to make, and that's from storage to the new place. The summer will be exciting, and the future will be too! Hope to see you there!